VPM - 7


Handling up to

1025 boxes per hour



Handling up to

1025 boxes per hour



Handling up to

1710 boxes per hour

VPM-14 Verbruggen palletizing solutions


Handling up to

2280 boxes per hour



Handling up to

1575 boxes per hour



Handling up to 1680

1680 boxes per hour



Handling up to 1680

4065 boxes per hour

Box Palletizer

Have you seen such a neat pallet with boxes lately? This is about how to realize precise stacking of boxes on pallets or sheets, alongside substantial reductions in labor costs and downtime, all while maximizing loading space. Box palletizers by Verbruggen offer a substantial boost in productivity, streamline operations, cut costs, and foster a safer, more efficient workplace environment.

Discover Box Palletizing Machines By Verbruggen

Overview Box Palletizing Machines

Discover Our Various Palletizers

VPM-7 bag palletizing machine by Verbruggen Palletizing Solutions


Handling bags and / or boxes

VPM-8 Palletizer machine for palletizing bags by Verbruggen Palletizing Solutions


Handling bags and / or boxes

VPM-10 palletizing machine by Verbruggen Palletizing Solutions


Handling bags and / or boxes

VPM-14 Palletizer machine for bag palletizing by Verbruggen Palletizing Solutions


Handling bags and / or boxes

VPM-BL Automatic box palletizer for stacking boxes and cartons by Verbruggen Palletizing Solutions


Handling boxes / cartons / crates / wraps

VPM-ACP by Verbruggen Palletizing Solutions


Handling boxes / cartons / crates / wraps

VPM-VHV palletizing machine of high speed palletizing boxes-crates by Verbruggen Palletizing Solutions


Handling boxes / cartons / crates / wraps

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Box Palletizing

Box palletizing is a crucial process in various industrial and manufacturing environments. It involves the organized and efficient stacking of boxes onto pallets, simplifying packaging and transportation processes and ensuring secure and structured storage and/or shipping.

Box palletizer machines are designed to handle various types and dimensions of boxes, and they are also suitable for handling crates, cartons, and wraps. They play an essential role in optimizing stacking processes and contribute to productivity and safety across sectors including logistics and food processing.

The Advantages Of A Box Palletizer Machine

The advantages of a box palletizer machine are numerous and have proven themselves in various settings. A box stacking machine, also known as a box palletizing robot, automates the process of palletizing boxes on pallets, offering several benefits, including:

1. Efficiency

Box palletizer machines can perform this repetitive and time-consuming task at high speed and with consistency, significantly increasing productivity.

2. Precision

These machines are capable of accurately placing boxes according to preset patterns, improving pallet stability and minimizing product damage.

3. Safety

Automating the stacking process reduces physical strain on workers, contributing to a safer work environment.

4. Space Savings

By palletizing boxes more accurately, available storage space is optimally utilized, resulting in cost savings.

5. Reduced Labor Costs

Decreasing the need for manual stacking reduces labor costs and minimizes human mistakes.

In sectors such as logistics, food processing and distribution, where palletized boxes are used extensively, an automatic box palletizer offers significant advantages.

Box Palletizer Verbruggen
Box Palletizer machine - Verbruggen
Box Palletizing proces - Verbruggen

Palletizing Boxes In Different Industries

Palletizing boxes is vital across industries, streamlining storage and transport for various products like potato boxes, onion crates, and wrapped cans of wet petfood. These practices optimize efficiency in packaging and transit of any product, while also facilitating streamlined distribution processes in processing facilities. Embrace these methods to enhance operational workflows and minimize logistical challenges throughout the supply chain.

Most Used Box Wrapping Machine

Suitable For Box Palletizers

An automatic box wrapping machine is an advanced device used to wrap film, mesh, paper, or a combination around a pallet load for stability and protection.

A Verbruggen wrapper, when used in conjunction with a palletizer, can greatly enhance the value of the palletizing process. The use of a Verbruggen wrapper with a palletizer can provide several benefits including improved product protection, reduced labor costs, and increased efficiency. By securely wrapping the pallet load, businesses can ensure that their products remain on the pallet and are protected from dust, moisture, and other environmental factors that can cause damage.

Are you interested in learning more about the possibilities offered by wrapping machine solutions? Discover our different bag and box wrapping machines or get in touch for more information.

Arm wrapper - Verbruggen

VTW Wrapping Machine

The VTW wrapping machine uses a turntable design, and it will usually be integrated within a palletizing line.

Arm wrapper - Verbruggen

VAW Wrapping Machine

The VAW wrapping machine wraps pallets with a very high capacity using a robust swing arm.

VSW wrapping machine

VSW Wrapping Machine

The VSW wrapping machine is equipped with a turntable, and it will be used separately from the palletizer.

How To Palletize Boxes

Efficiently forming a pallet of boxes with the assistance of a box palletizer is a crucial step in various industries. The use of advanced software for box palletizing significantly enhances this process.

This specialized software enables the optimization of box stacking configurations, efficiently utilizing valuable space on pallets. This not only allows businesses to fit more products on a single pallet but also enhances load stability, minimizing the risk of transport damage.

Additionally, the use of a box palletizer for box stacking contributes to a streamlined logistics process. Through the optimization of stacking patterns, loading and unloading processes become effortless and faster, thereby increasing transport efficiency. Furthermore, this software assists in generating labels and reports that facilitate the identification and traceability of loaded goods, which is essential in modern supply chains.


Difference Between Box And Bag Palletizers

The distinction between bag and box palletizers is rooted in the types of loads they are capable of handling and the particular purposes they are intended for, as their names imply. A bag palletizer is explicitly created for the stacking of bags containing bulk goods of diverse dimensions on a pallet, whereas box palletizers are customized for the arrangement of boxes, cartons, crates, wraps, or other evenly shaped packagings on a pallet. In essence, the contrast between bag and box palletizers primarily centers on the characteristics of the load they can accommodate.

What Factors Should I Consider When Choosing the Right Box Palletizer for My Business Needs

When choosing the right box palletizer for your business needs, several factors should be considered to ensure optimal performance and efficiency. Firstly, assessing your specific production requirements and throughput capacity is crucial. Additionally, evaluating the types and dimensions of the packagings you’ll be palletizing is essential to match them with the appropriate machine specifications.

Consider the available space in your facility and whether the palletizer can be seamlessly integrated into your existing workflow. Another significant factor is the level of automation required and the compatibility with your production processes.

In this regard, Verbruggen offers a comprehensive range of box palletizers, catering to diverse industry needs. They specialize in providing customizable solutions tailored to your unique requirements.

How Do Verbruggen Box Palletizers Contribute To Cost Savings For My Business?

Implementing Verbruggen box palletizers can lead to substantial cost savings. By automating palletizing processes, these systems minimize labor expenses, reduce manual errors, and increase overall operational efficiency.

Additionally, optimized stacking patterns enhance warehouse space utilization, potentially reducing storage costs. Moreover, the reliability and durability of Verbruggen palletizers mitigate downtime, resulting in further savings by minimizing maintenance and repair expenses. Overall, investing in Verbruggen box palletizers can yield significant financial benefits for businesses.

Calculate with Verbruggen to assess the potential cost-saving benefits a box palletizer can bring to your business.

What is the difference between box, bag, tray and crate palletizers?

The difference between box, bag, tray, and crate palletizers lies in their specific applications and the type of load they can handle.

Box Palletizer:
A box palletizer is designed to stack boxes, crates, or similar packagings on a pallet, making them ideal for industries with standardized products in boxes.

Bag Palletizer:
A bag palletizer is specifically designed for stacking bags of bulk goods such as flour, cement, animal feed, and chemicals. They are known for their reliability, stability, and user-friendliness.

Crate & Tray Palletizer:
A crate palletizer is designed to stack crates or trays on a pallet, which is particularly important in logistics and the transportation of goods in sturdy crates.

The choice between these palletizers depends on the nature of the products to be stacked and the specific requirements of the industry. Each type of palletizer has its own advantages and applications.

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