Customer Testimonials

What Customers Tell About Verbruggen Palletizing Solutions

Check out what our customers around the world tell about Verbruggen Palletizing Solutions. Are you looking for automation solutions and better logistics? Check out our case studies.

Arturo Luis Marasca

Director of Molino Chabas S.A.

“We acquired the Verbruggen VPM-10 palletizing machine in order to streamline dispatch and merchandise operations, reduce truck loading times and organize our warehouses. It took 60 days from order to commissioning. Processes and systems were adapted to solve the initial problem, and in a span of 3.5 years we achieved the ROI. We highlight as benefits of our alliance with Verbruggen their latest technology, agility and operational reliability, permanent assistance and good communication”

“The machine is operating wonderfully. We love it!”

Phil Simpson

Gold Emblem – USA

“Your machine has helped to make out shed much more efficient, and is running very well. Thank you for your help and support.”

Kendall Rolfe

Gold Emblem – USA

“We are very satisfied with the palletizing machine from Verbruggen. Really a great machine! It has hardly any malfunction or need of service, the machine is very quiet and the stacking results are really perfect. The palletizer is also very easy to operate. ”

Rudi Luimes

Luimes V.O.F (The Netherlands)

“Verbruggen Palletizers work exactly as described! Every pallet that exits this equipment comes out uniform with straight corners with never any damage to the product. Verbruggen tech support is a step above with knowledgeable support and dedicated staff willing to go the extra mile to help assist with any problems. TOP NOTCH SERVICE!!!!!! ”

Donnie Boone

Atlantic Potato Distributors (Canada)

“Just wanted to let you know that Masser is far and away the best warehoused product we get in here. Every load is palletized great with straight corners and wrapped really well. They don’t send in product that needs to be restacked due to cases bulging out from the pallets. All the pallets are top notch with no missing or damaged boards. Most of the time we just send emails complaining about an issue, felt it was worth mentioning when a company is doing a great job”

Cory Schlegel

Sterman Masser, Inc. (USA)

“I have to say that Verbruggen has the most fastest service department regarding act for calls compared to any of my other suppliers. Thank you for that!”

Marko Kanerva

MacSer (Finland)

“The palletizers have been performing very well. We have been very pleased with the quality and consistency of your equipment.”

Andrew Thurmond

Aurora Innovations (USA)

“Dealing with Verbruggen has been easy and a pleasure and I would certainly recommend to others. The employees who have been on site were very pleasant and helpful, they are a credit to the company.”

John Millar

Prieston Farms (UK)

“The Service Engineers have always been a great help and helped us whenever needed assistance. Over the years we have had incredible support from the team.”

Rupinder Bal

Balle Bros Fresh Produce Ltd. (NZ)

“Verbruggen palletizing systems work and they do what they say they’ll do.”

Taryn Hartley

Hartley Produce Inc. (USA)

“Verbruggen machines from 1 machine in 1998 to 5 in 2014! Reliable and durable, more than 500.000 pallets stacked at full satisfaction.”

Wim Waterman

Waterman Onions (The Netherlands)

“We and our customers like the quality and consistency of the stacks, no matter what size of bag or type of packaging.”

John & Margaret Berry

JMB Farming (UK)